About The SUPREME Initiative |Ias Banenge

The Union Minister of Science and Technology has launched the SUPREME initiative, which aims to provide financial assistance for the maintenance and upgrade of analytical instrumentation facilities (AIFs).


GS II: Government Policies and Interventions

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Dimensions of the Article:

  1. About SUPREME Initiative
  2. Criterion for Selection

About SUPREME Initiative

Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Science and Technology

The Support for Up-gradation Preventive Repair and Maintenance of Equipment (SUPREME) is a government initiative that provides financial support for repair, upgradation, maintenance, retrofitting, or acquiring additional attachments to increase the functional capabilities of existing analytical instrumentation facilities.

Funding Pattern:
  • The funding pattern in the scheme would be 75:25 for all private and government-owned institutions (except for state-funded institutions for which 100% funding would be considered).
  • Different facilities created under the projects/ Analytical instrumentation facilities (AIFs) created earlier from the support of DST, only will be considered for the funding support under this Scheme.
  • Such facilities at institutions recognised by the University Grants Commission (UGC) are eligible to apply for grants under this initiative.
  • Duration: The duration of support will be for a period not exceeding 3 years.

Criterion for Selection:

  • Apart from the academic and research merits of the organizations, details of how the revival of the research facility will benefit the scientific community/MSMEs/Startups will be taken into account for evaluating the proposals.
  • Proven records of the sample(s) analyzed, publications, patents, different beneficiaries/stakeholders associated with the facility and other parameters like Scientific Social Responsibility/industrial R&D components will be considered for screening of the proposals.
  • The selection process will be through a peer review mechanism and a visit to the organizations if necessary.
  • Expert Committee will evaluate the proposals and assist DST in making the final selection.

-Source: Times of India


1.What are the objectives of THE SUPREME Initiative?

The primary objectives of the Initiative are to promote cutting-edge research and development in the areas of science and technology, foster innovation and entrepreneurship, and enhance the competitiveness of India in the global market. The program also aims to promote the development of human resources in science and technology and increase public-private partnerships in the sector.

2.What are the focus areas of THE SUPREME Initiative?

The Initiative focuses on several key areas, including advanced materials and manufacturing, clean energy, artificial intelligence and machine learning, internet of things, cybersecurity, and healthcare. The program also aims to promote research and development in emerging areas such as quantum computing, biotechnology, and space technology.

3.What kind of support does THE SUPREME Initiative provide to researchers and innovators?

The Initiative provides a range of support to researchers and innovators in India, including funding for research projects, access to state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, and support for innovation and entrepreneurship. The program also provides training and mentoring programs for researchers and entrepreneurs to enhance their skills and knowledge.

4.How can researchers and innovators apply for support under THE SUPREME Initiative?

Researchers and innovators can apply for support under the Initiative through a competitive application process. The program releases calls for proposals on its website, and interested applicants can submit their proposals online. The proposals are then evaluated by a panel of experts based on several criteria, including scientific merit, feasibility, and potential impact.

5.Is there any eligibility criteria for researchers and innovators to apply for support under THE SUPREME Initiative?

Yes, there are specific eligibility criteria that researchers and innovators must meet to apply for support under THE SUPREME Initiative. The program is open to Indian citizens and organizations, including academic institutions, research laboratories, and startups. Applicants must also meet specific requirements related to the proposed research project, including the scientific merit and potential impact of the project.

6.What are the benefits of participating in THE SUPREME Initiative for researchers and innovators?

Participating in THE SUPREME Initiative provides several benefits for researchers and innovators, including access to funding and resources, exposure to cutting-edge research and development, and networking opportunities with industry experts and policymakers. The program also provides training and mentoring programs that can enhance the skills and knowledge of researchers and innovators and increase their chances of success.

7.How does THE SUPREME Initiative contribute to the development of science and technology in India?

THE SUPREME Initiative contributes to the development of science and technology in India by promoting research and development in key areas, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, and enhancing the competitiveness of India in the global market. The program also contributes to the development of human resources in science and technology and promotes public-private partnerships in the sector.

8.How does THE SUPREME Initiative support the government’s efforts to promote Atmanirbhar Bharat?

THE SUPREME Initiative supports the government’s efforts to promote Atmanirbhar Bharat by promoting research and development in key areas that are essential for the country’s self-reliance. The program aims to develop indigenous technologies and products that can reduce the country’s dependence on imports and enhance its competitiveness in the global market.

9.What is the future of THE SUPREME Initiative?

THE SUPREME Initiative has already made significant contributions to the development of science and technology in India, and its future looks bright

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